The Lobby

Jakob: *opens the door and leads you into a spacious lobby. The floor is covered in lush red carpet, which matches the velvet drapes on the large palladian windows. A crystal chandelier hangs above. There are staircases on either side leading up to the balcony a nd another set of heavy oak doors opens to the main p art of the house. Jakob grins at you.* Nice place, ain't she? Carter Thomason built 'er back in '77, but she's still holdin' up good! Got quite a history behind 'er, too. Now, let's get goin'...I don't wanna hang around the lobby all day!

*He motions for you to follow him through the next set of doors into the large house. The folding seats are arranged in a fan formation and upholstered in the same red as the lobby's curtains and carpet. At the front of the room is, of course, the stage. On it, several men are erecting a tall balcony structure.*

A voice from above shouts: Line Set fourteen, comin' in!

The stage crew shouts back: Thank you!

*a metal bar comes flying down quickly to a point just a few feet above the stage*

Jakob: *angrily* Dammit, Edwards, how many times do I gotta tell ya not ta fly things in like ya was racin' wit someone?

Curse Edwards: *laughs*

Jakob: *mutters something under his breath about stupid goddamned stagehands and sighs, then turns to you* C'mon up, I'll introduce ya to da crew. *shouts* Alright fellas, break! Time ta meet da new guy!

*All gladly stop the project as you and Jak walk up to the stage*

Meet the Stage Crew

Jakob: *smiles* Ok, so now ya know da guys. Characters, ain't dey? Anyway, now we can head ta da green room. Dat's where da actors hang' da stage crew when we ain't workin'.