Jakob Jostein

What's yer name? He looks up at you from where he is sitting on the floor, stacks of papers strewn about around him. He sets the one he's looking over down, taking off his small reading glasses and smiles up at you* Jakob Jostein *He stretches one paint smeared hand out to shake yours* Nice ta meetcha.
Dat what people call ya, or d'ya got a nickname? *He chuckles slightly, running his hand absently through his dark curly hair* Well some of the guys around `ere call me dat "big pain in da ass" but I wouldn't really call dat a nickname, more like a toirm of endearment. *He shrugs, still smiling* So I guess people just call me Jakob, or Jak.
Whaddaya look like? *He looks at you strangely* What? Can't you tell? *Shrugs again, sorting through the papers, muttering* Where da heck is dat thing? I know I just had it a second ago *Jakob is about 6'2 and fairly well built. His hair is very wavy and black, his eyes are a dark brown and big. His cloths, which are fairly plain, always seem to have pai nt on them somewhere. He has a small pair of reading glasses which, if they are not on his face, he keeps tucked in his vest pocket*
How old are ya? *He rolls his eyes, letting out a half-hearted moan* Oh great, da guys put ya up to dis didn't dey? *Shake s his head, smirking* I'se 21. Yeah, yeah, I know dat's young to be runnin` da show, so to speak, but trust me I know what I'se doin,' I grew up around dis stuff. *A loud crash is suddenly heard from somewhere on stage, followed by a chorus of angry voices. He laughs nervously, offering a cheeky smile* Rats. Big freakin` rats. I'se got it undah control. Excuse me fer a minute..*He gets up a sprints back to where the angry voices continue to argue*
What kind of work d'ya do? Actor, stagehand, what? *He walks back over to you, smiling again* See, no problem! Wait what did you say? *The question is repeated* Ok, gotcha *winks* I'se da stage manager around here. *smiles proudly*
Got any experience at dat? An' how'd ya end up heah, anyway? *He runs his hand through his hair again, a habit of his* Well, my mothah was an actress and she took me with her where ever she went, so I grew up around all dis theater stuff. *Smirks* It's what I know. *Sadly* She died when I was about thirteen, and d is place *motions around the theater* just happened to be where we were, so I got a job. *Smiles* as you can see I'se moved up da laddah from da kid who used ta sweep da aisles.
How 'bout tellin' us a little 'bout yerself? Ya know, what kind of personality ya got? *He looks thoughtful* My personality huh? *Shrugs* Well, I'd say I'se pretty laid-back *He becomes somewhat serious* but don't think dat means I'm a slacker or nuttin. I take dis job very seriously, and I expect anyone who works with me to do da same. I like all da shows to run smoothly. *Nods as if to emphasize his point. Although he is very serious about his job, Jakob can be a bit absent minded at times, misplacing things and such*
Any special talents? *He looks down at his hands and says quietly* I like ta paint. *Smiles a bit* I guess you could call dat a talent, but I don't know if anything I paint could be called special. *He quickly goes back to searching through the papers*

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